Ben's Gaming World

Saturday, November 26, 2005

w00t, at it again

Well, I am posting. Not a whole lot knew as I am stuck at work for most of this week end. Nothing is good going into the Christmas season for me as our second car just took a giant crap and there is nearly no chance it will be fixed soon. Between that, and no money to pay any bills with we are nearly up a creek without a paddle. Still, if I can manage it I am going to try to pick up a NintendoDS for my fiancee for the holiday. I know someone that is selling theirs used with Nintendogs and a couple of other games so it isn't a bad deal. If I can get MarioKart for it, we will be hooked up and kickin' tail (or more actually being kicked) on line with that in the near future.

Next week is the big 2nd session for DnD and I have been lazy thus far and haven't written their adventure for it. I am hoping to get that whipped out on Tuesday, though I might try to work on it tomorrow night. I at least have my mind made up as to what we will want to do for the next mission and they should have alot of fun. This will definately be a more difficult session then their first, but I won't get too tough as they are still all rather new to the game, at least the edition, and still need alot of hand holding.

WoW has seen Magnorock, my main (48 Tauran Warrior), spend most of his time just trying to generate cash. Of course, he has been questing some in the Feralas and I finished a couple of quests recently, but nothing big and no levels. God, I am so close to 50 I can taste it. Of course, then I have another 10 levels beyond that before I hit the coveted 60 where I can claim to be Mag the all mighty! I did start working on an alt on Lightbringer again, Foedror a lvl 15 Tauran Shaman, and nearly leveled with him today. I like the character ok enough, but I don't know anyone on the server yet and haven't run into my buds who also play there to do any questing as a group. Looking forward to that day as this character will have more potential down the road then my current main.

Anyways, take care and good gaming.