Ben's Gaming World

Monday, September 05, 2005

WoW till your blue in the face

We don't even want to start discussing the disgusting amount of time that I have dedicated to this game. If you don't own World of Warcraft, seriously get out from under your rock and buy it. With the price of gas these days, it is going to be the only way us gamers are going to be able to play anything that resembles the sit down dnd groups we are used to.

Which gets me started on the price of gas. Write your senator, congressman, state representatives and anyone else that even remotely can do anything about it. If we don't either get a replacement for gasoline as the standard fuel for America or do something with the price of gas this country is going to come to a grinding hault and our computer fun will be over because there will be no money to pay for it! That is right, I think we are well on our way to another great depression. This one lead because our President, George Bush, did not have the forsight to do anything to keep gas prices in check and now they are going to continue to rise. I have to pay nearly double what I paid for gas at this time last year. Where is that extra money going? Not to power our economy that is for sure. Do yourself a favor and do something about it!

Back to more fun things after my rant. World of Warcraft has been alot of fun so far. My Tauren Warrior on the Lothar server is named Magnorock and somehow I have made it to lvl 32. I most recently picked up a really cool axe for him that has a chance to unload a fireball upon hit. It is sweet! My other characters on the other servers have kind of fallen to the wayside. I just haven't had the time to play them. I had finals most recently again at Herzing, and they really cut into my play time. With just a week off between classes and piling in 6 days of work in a row to help come up with the cash to pay for my addiction...well you know.