Ben's Gaming World

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Another night...

Well, finally made it through finals and I did all right. Should have another couple of A's to add to the ol' GPA at Herzing. Whatever I have to do to succeed I guess. Of course, Tuesday on my way down to class I was stuck on the interstate for nearly an hour because the road buckled just passed my exit and everything was down to one lane. Crazy heat lately making the road do wierd things. At least it has cooled down now!!!

I have been pretty lazy the last few days, didn't even go to Warhammer on Wednesday. Just wasn't motivated to do it. Of course, I have been playing alot of RE4 on the GameCube and was stuck on getting passed one room for nearly 5 hours!!!! I don't know what was wrong with me, of course I was a little short on ammo going in. Normally, ammo isn't an issue for you on that game as when most of the zombies die they give up ammo but when you are short on it, you can have some issues on the more difficult room. Once I was able to get past that room though, I was able to get some pretty good upgrades to my guns. I am on a fan of the following weapons on that game....The Handgun (or any of the upgraded versions of it), The shotgun (the first one you shouldn't have to buy, the second one is a must if you play like I do), The rifle (save your cash until the semi auto one is available, you don't really need it before then) with the scope, and the machine gun (buy the accessory for it, you become alot more accurate after that and buy all of the upgrades for it, this gun is very good for most of the bosses). Of course, I haven't beaten it yet.

Watched Shaun of the Dead again the other day and I highly recommend it. It is a great zombie/comedy flick that is done well with a bit of Brittish humor. The main characters from this movie have a cool cameo in Land of the Dead, which was pretty good as well. I was just a touch disappointed with the way that one ended though.

I also saw Batman Begins a while back and it wasn't bad, but I was disappointed with the fight scenes. Movie makers, please stop trying to do that with fight scenes. It doesn't work.

Haven't played much else lately except a bit of Tecmo Bowl with a NES emulator I have at home. Wish I still had my old NES system, but it went the way of the dump years ago.