Ben's Gaming World

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Posting Again

My goodness, a second post this month. It is amazing what I can get done when I am sitting at work on Turkey day!!!

My overall lack of gaming lately has been terrible, but I did get in a good game of Warhammer last night where my beastmen faced off against a Nurgle daemonic legion army. The game was really finished before our models hit the table, but I still came close to being able to find a way to victory. It was a moment of brilliance, and accident, in the way I was able to bottle neck his center of plague bearers and the 2 nurgle chariots. However, I didn't just have enough room to hit his plague riders with the second chariot that would have crushed the unit and set me up to sweep his left flank. In the end, I managed to kill the plague riders after they had rampaged most of my right flank with a lucky irresistable force that sent my minituars charging into them and two units of nurglings. Meanwhile, most of my army was either fleeing or dead and papa nurgle daemon himself was still just above half wounds.

I don't think I could have played that game any better then I did. If both my bray shamans hadn't failed thier first unruly tests I may have been able to hold back some and use a greater scatter tactic that I had intended to force a draw instead of a loss. It would have been my greatest shot based on what I bring to the table for an army. However, their failing caused my army to need to surge forward some, which then made it more of a game of bottlenecking his units and trying to break the right flank. I certainly couldn't have held off on that critical charge against the plague riders and of course the chariot did whiff on the impact hits which could have saved me there. Even killing one of those riders on the charge may have left me in a position to win the combat instead of auto breaking because of their fear.

I leveled to 48 with Magnorock a couple of days ago on WoW. I really have lost some of my inspiration for that game since I started to reach the higher levels. I tried my run at building a guild, but it seems that is falling flat. With any luck, getting a ventrillo server up and working will help but I have lost a large portion of the members and we certainly won't be getting back. I am hoping to get some game play on a couple of other servers this week end where I know some other people and hopefully that will be better and more fun. As for now though, things seem to be stumbling along there. The game is a great game, you just need to have other folks willing to help you and play with. Something I haven't had with Mag for the last few levels.

Have a great Turkey day.