Ben's Gaming World

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Slow but sure

My progress on RE4 has been slow, but forthcoming in the recent weeks and I am finally almost back to the point that I was before my file was corrupted and I had to restart my game. God, I wish I didn't die so much on that game. Of course that is half of the challenge of that game and it makes it alot of fun.

Finally caught a game of Warhammer last night. Two weeks off from my favorite game is too long. My beastmen took on a high elf army at 1000 points and while most of the game was a route of the high elves, it wasn't nearly so obvious at the end as his lone unit of high elf spearmen that I had knocked down from 18 to 4 plus a wizard character broke my beast herd and chariot that they were engaged with, pursued the herd, then charged this unit that had fled and caught it on his turn leaving him way out of position for my death blow that would have scored a massacre. Craziness I tell you.

The DnD group has all but flopped I think. They said that would get in touch with me, but I think it is all but over. This has started to motivate me to start putting together stuff for my Heroes Unlimited stuff again. If you haven't played under that game system, you should. The one thing you really need with it that you don't need with DnD and similar games is a game master that is capable of keeping thing balanced between the players. The system itself orientates itself more around story and accomplishing objectives which is really cool and helps get players away from the static hack and slash that I see so many players concerned with. I am also thinking about dumping some time into modernizing my ruins of Undermountain stuff to 3.5. Of course, I keep hoping that TSR will just do it for me so I can buy it but I think it might end up being a longer wait then what I want. I love running undermountain as almost every group that goes into those dark tunnels has a different experiance.

I am very close to picking up World of Warcraft now too. I need some extra cash to pick it up though, and don't know when that will happen. School starts next week too, so I won't be able to pick up to many more hours at work unless they switch me to this full time deal.


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