Ben's Gaming World

Friday, June 16, 2006

Another day

Well, we are at work again and not doing a whole lot. There is nothing like doing tech support for dial up customers on a Friday night during the summer.

Anyways, I have been playing the Spockmarket a bunch lately and did ok at it, though I made a bad decision and went from about 500 in the country to 1500 in the country in one episode. Curse you NCC stock!!! Spockmarket is hosted on G4TV and has a virtual spock market, which is like a stock market for Trekkies. Good stuff.

I see that that Blizzard kicked a bunch of folks out of WoW for cheating. Good for Blizzard. Course, I think it is kind o' bullcrap that people can sit and make tons of cash on what is just a game that should Blizzard decide to take down completely would mean entirely lost funds.

I was finally able to download the Vista Beta 2 from Microsoft yesterday and I have it burnt to DVD now so I might install it tonight on my media center PC. Course, I need to rip a DVD rom out of my good desktop...that might require some motivation...grrr...

Well bar food is coming in the next 15 minutes or so. Then I can actually have something to do, eat!