Ben's Gaming World

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Scenario – Battle for Greenway Mound


Objective:  Both armies clash with their goal to capture a great hill within the center of the table.

Terrain:  The field is open and hilly, with sparse vegetation and some rocky outcroppings.  The rocky outcroppings can be either difficult terrain or impassible dependant on their size and shape.  The main feature is at the center of the table a 12 inch diameter hill is placed.  Place terrain as described above in a mutually agreeable fasion.

Deployment.  See the below map for a reference to deployment.  Armies deploy in the corners of the table.  Draw a straight line from 18 inches in on the long table edge and 12 inches in on the short table edge.  The deployment zone is between this line and the board edge.  Both the left and right hand corners may be used on a player’s board edge. 

Who goes first?  Both players roll a d6.  The player who finishes deploying first gains a plus 1 to this roll.  The highest roll may choose to go first or second. 

Length of Game: At the end of 4 turns, roll a d6.  The game ends on a roll of a 5 or more.  Roll again at each following turn that the game does not end, adding 1 to the roll for each turn that has passed since turn 4.  Example, the game did not end on turn 4 or 5 so at the end of turn 6 the roll is at a +2.  The game also ends when time is called.

Victory conditions:  In order to win this scenario a player must have a unit with a banner closest to the hill.  If both players have units with a banner in them on the hill, then the player with the greatest unit strength is the winner.  If both players have no units remaining at the end of the game with banners, the game is considered a draw.

Tournament BPs:  All scores are cumulative and a unit can be counted for scoring one of these twice. 


10 points for scoring the winning condition

5 points for having a unit with a banner on the hill at the end of the game

5 points for destroying all of your opponents units that had banners by the end of the game

3 points if you had a unit with a banner on the hill at any point during the game

3 points if you had a unit with a banner and unit strength 20+ on the hill at the end of the game

2 points if you had all of your banners survive the game

2 points for having a unit of any type on the hill at the end of the game