Ben's Gaming World

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gaming, gaming, gaming

Haven't posted in a while. I have a number of gaming things going on right now.

First, I have a DnD group running now. Just a small group, 4-5 players plus myself adventuring in Cormanthor forest in the Forgotten Realms. We have had 2 sessions now. I think they have been successful, though we missed the last two sessions. I will get some more up about them when I get a chance.

Next, I have a board game group that I have joined now. What a great way to spend your Saturday nights every other week. I am hoping to be able to get some game reviews up here as I play them. Last night was a Halloween themed game night, and if I could remember the names of the games we played, I would include a right up.

Finally, I have once again started another Warhammer army. I know, isn't so much of a surprise. This one is one I said I would never do. High elves. I am doing them in true pansy fashion and painting them in pink. I know there is a new book coming out for them, so I feel a little like a band wagon jumper. However, I have always wanted to paint an army of high elves in pink as really an insult to the army and now I get all gleeful when they defeat my opponents in their pink glee.

I had a couple of test games with the new elves. I have to say, I wouldn't write home about the new rules. There were some bonuses. I think the big one that everyone things is so broken is the always strike first or ASF that the new elves have. Overall, not a big bonus, but a little. The real unit I think that benifits from this is the spearmen. Wow. A unit of 2 ranks, banner, and 15 ASF attacks for under 150 points is pretty sweet. Yeah, they don't hit hard at all, but they are worth it I think like that. Swordmasters are the big talk of the book though, and yeah, they are good, but I have to admit they are frail and best in units of 7-10 arranged with no ranks. There isn't a point. They are expensive and live to get into combat and dish some damage. I am very impressed with the performance of my pheonix gaurd. They had a huge survivability when I played with them the other day. It was just a unit of 5, but they took a charge of 7 Wardancers, killed 2 due to ASF, and then the Wardancers unloaded the extra attack dance and charge on them and dished out something like 9 or 10 wounds to them. I then picked up enough armor and ward saves to only lose 3 models. Of course, the unit was only 5 strong and it was a 500 point game so they broke off of that. Yet, I think in a bigger game a unit of 15 of these bad boy elves are going to kick arse.

Anyways, hope to have some updates and pictures up in the near future.

Take care folks,
