Ben's Gaming World

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hordes Circle Project

I am going to provide a link to my Picasa online folder which should be viewable. I have a good chunk of my circle completed, and while the pictures aren't that good, they at least show the progress I have made. Let me know what you think from what you can see. I chose to use a goblin green (citadel paints) for the outside of the base instead of the traditional black. I did this for two reasons. First, visually, I like the way it makes the models look on the tabletop. Secondly, it unifies the force and enforces that natural scheme I want for my Circle force. With all of the green that is in circle, I used the goblin green for the bases as well as it seems to flow well with the green tones of the force. I did try traditional black bases and I just didn't care for it when I did the first unit I did for this army, the druids.

Right now as far as what paints I am using it is primarily Citadel Paints. The standard ones, though I will rave here about how great the Foundation paints are which I am finding ways after ways to include them in the figures. It does help that the Foundation range of paints lends themselves well to natural colors, which is a give for a Circle of Orboros army. I also have a few of the Privateer Press P3 paints, just 3 actually and those are really for my high elves and not this army, though I have used a touch of the red on some of the figures, especially the swamp gobbers.

Picasa Web Folder of Circle Goodness

Circle completion point
Total Points 2160
Total Value $759.61
Total Painted 46
Total Models 92
% Complete 50%
(including minions)

Total Circle Collection
Krueger the Stormwrath
Morvahna the Autumnblade
Baldur the Stomcleaver
Kromac the Ravenous
Kaya the Wildborne
Sentry Stone
Sentry Stone
Shifting Stones
Shifting Stones
Shifting Stones
World Warden
World Warden
World Watcher
World Wyrd
World Wyrd
Pureblood Warpwolf
Tharn Bloodtrackers
Extra 6 bloodtrackers
Wolves of Orboros UA
Wolves of Orboros
Extra 4 Wolves of Orboros
Druids of Orboros
Druids of Orboros
Tharn Ravagers
Tharn Wolfriders
Extra 2 Tharn Wolfriders
Lord of the Feast
Alten Ashley
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
Farrow Bone Grinders
Gatormen Posse
Extra 1 Gatormen Posse