Ben's Gaming World

Monday, August 21, 2006

Warhammer Online

Just letting you folks know that the Warhammer Online full trailer is finished for the theatrical trailer. The new portion where a chaos warrior takes on an empire warrior priest (and the chaos warrior kicks the crap out o' him) is pretty sweet. My favorite parts are with the dwarf and the witch elf, but that is pretty sweet too. I am big time looking forward to this game.

Warhammer Online Trailer

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Wisconsin vrs. Illinois

Went south of the border here armed with my Warhammer companions to gain a bit of revenge for the destruction that was given us the year before and just crushed them in a manner that like we were beaten the year before. For my part, the dwarfs of Dougan's Delve comped at just over 5000 points using a slightly modified WPS composition system (can be found at and won two games and drew a third game in what was became a complete route of our foes.

We appreciate the folks at the Chicago Battle Bunker for hosting it, and if you haven't been there I recommend going. As well, we of the WWHFB thank the IWFB folks for hosting and having us. It was time to reclaim our honor.


Support this series and the movie it spawned for a pick up by SciFi channel or have Fox bring it back. It is the bomb. I'm a big fan as most folk that know me know. So, let's be bad guys and give those corporate folks some trouble.

They have an RPG game based on the series and feature film and I plan on picking it up in the near future to own. I will have a review after I have had a chance to read through it.