Ben's Gaming World

Saturday, August 06, 2005

WoW and More!!!

Well after two days of nearly non stop game play on WoW, I have managed to to be part of a party, die alot of times, get my arse handed to me in a couple of challenges, and overall have fun. Overall, the game is fun, if a little repetitive. Of course, that would most likely be the case if you play a class like Warrior as they don't have alot in the way of additional abilities. However, now that my Tauren Warrior is made it to 10th level, he is starting to become bad arse. Of course, he is having some issues as the game continues to issue quests for you that become increasingly more difficult and deadly and encourage group play.

While I am on the topic of group play, all of you who play this game need to make some more noise and interact more. Last night was pretty good, and we had a 3 Tauren party. However, today I was on for nearly 5 hours and no one replied to or acknowledged my antics. Maybe, night owls are more receptive to that kind of stuff. I don't know. Anyways, if you see a Tauren Warrior running around, jumping a bunch (sometimes anyways), named Magnorock say hi to him, or challenge, or whatever.

Well, I have to go and finish up my homework for Network Operating Systems (basically a Windows). Working this week end so it is like a 7 hour study hall as long as the phones are quiet.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Just bought WoW

It has been a while again, and while this is my fault. I have been very busy with work, Warhammer, and my studies. No excuse, I know. Get over it.

So I finally jumped on the bandwagon and bought World of Warcraft, or for the more enlightened, WoW. It looks like a sweet game, but I haven't been that ambitious to really get started with the install. I really have my doubts that any game is worth 50 bucks up front and then another 15 per month to play it (plus a 40+ dollar internet bill), but I will be sure to give you my final review later.

Of course, I have been playing alot with the emulators I have on my home PC. Sonic has been fun, since I never had a Sega back in the days. I also have been playing alot of Golden Axe II which is classic fun at its best.

Better get back to work, before another idiot calls on the phone and needs tech support! Some people can just be dumb with the computer.